Make The Most of Your Operations in the New AI World
Monday 19 May 2025 - Hilton Tallinn Park Hotel
We are pleased to announce that due popular demand, we have designed a new Operational Excellence Workshop as part of the Conference week of activities.
The workshop is scheduled to take place on the Monday, the day before software supplier events on Tuesday of Conference week.
Don’t miss out! This is a great opportunity for your operations team!
Let’s work together to set the benchmark for operational excellence in our industry. Designed to look at advances in Operational Excellence, based on the MSPA Europe Africa Guidelines, market best practices, our trainers experience and the use of the latest techniques and technologies, we will be creating a space for sharing ideas to create effective solutions.
Who should attend? This workshop is aimed at Professionals working in Operational Delivery roles in member companies.
Fee? To join the workshop, we ask a fee of 400 Euros, reduced to 350 Euros for all those that confirm by 25 March 2025. This will include a full day of interaction and interesting sessions. Refreshments and lunch on the day are included within the fee.
Programme? the full programme en timings are published at www.mspa-ea.org.